Rugged Holster With Heavy Duty Four Snap Belt Loop

by RIM
Part # ACC-10177-001

Product Description

Rugged Holster With Heavy Duty Four Snap Belt Loop. Protects your BlackBerry handheld with a durable leather frame and a fastener that uses four heavy-duty snaps to lock devices in place. It is the ideal belt holster for public safety officers, field service personnel, military personnel, and other active individuals who carry BlackBerry handhelds in harsh environments or unpredictable circumstances. The Rugged Holster helps provide peace of mind against loss or breakage, reassuring users that their BlackBerry device will be there when it is needed most. It is a versatile holster that can accommodate handhelds with extended batteries and/or external antennas. This holster also has the smarts to recognize when your handheld is in place. That means you'll be maximizing battery life, since the backlight will automatically shut off. It also means you can choose different notification settings (ring, vibrate or both) based on whether your handheld is in or out of this dynamic holster.


BLACKBERRY 6210, 6230, 6280, 6510, 7210, 7230, 7250, 7270, 7280, 7290, 7510, 7520