Yes, Cold Weather Will Drain Your Device`s Battery Life

Posted on Mar 19th 2019

As cold weather has spilled across the country, many people are running up against issues with their devices staying charged.

Thus, many questions from our clients come from this area as solutions are sought for those who cannot avoid such extreme weather conditions.

In short, if you are in cold weather, the battery of your device is going to have a shorter lifespan than if it were in optimal weather.  The reason this is the case is because of the chemistry inside of the battery.  In optimal conditions, the charged particles inside of the battery seamlessly flow.  However, in cold conditions the device itself becomes a poorer conductor, thus reducing the effectiveness of the battery and shortening its charged lifespan.

Apple provides the following guidelines for their devices:

There are a variety of solutions for your device when faced with extreme weather conditions, from specialized cases to warmers, that Cellular Accessories for Less has access to.

If your staff encounters this type of extreme weather on a consistent basis, please contact, and we can advise on great solutions.