Wacky Wireless Patent: Whack-A-Phone Silencer

Posted on Sep 19th 2012

Microsoft recently filed for a patent that would allow smartphone users to silence their devices by whacking them, open palm-style. The function, which could apply to ringtones, alarms, music, video, calendar reminders, or any related sources of audio, would use an accelerometer that, when activated with a whack, would send a signal to turn off the phone's speakers. In its filing, Microsoft provided 26 ways to smack the phone and turn it off. This type of violence gives new meaning to the term "cell phone battery" (zing!).

Most people can relate to the embarrassment of having your cell phone go off in a movie theatre or business meeting.   If this patent makes it to market, you'll be able to vent your frustration and silence your phone with one vengeful blow.  Just one more reason to protect your phone with a ruggedized case like Otterbox or LifeProof.