Here to Save the Day: Why Your iPhone Could Use a Camera Lens Protector

Posted on Mar 24th 2023

Save your company money in the long run.

iPhones are like the superheroes of the business world: they're tough, they're smart, and they get the job done. But even superheroes need a little extra protection sometimes. That's where camera lens protectors come in. Think of them like a cape for your iPhone - they'll keep your device looking sharp and ready for action, even in the face of inevitable drops and spills. Plus, they'll save your company money in the long run by preventing costly lens repairs. According to Apple’s iPhone Repair & Service estimation tool [1], camera repairs can start around $200 (not to mention the costs of lost productivity). If you have already been the victim of a broken camera lens or want to avoid the hassle, a camera lens protector can provide you some piece of mind.


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