Custom Billing Services = Lower Costs and Better Spend Tracking

Posted on Oct 29th 2012

CAFL can lower costs for your company in a variety ways.  One of the most valuable methods is minimizing the costs associated with billing - invoicing, cost allocation, spend tracking, and payments.  We offer many services to streamline the process and we can provide customized billing methods to meet the unique needs of your company.  We understand that the less time you spend on billing, the more focused and productive you can be with your other responsibilities.

Some of the cost-saving services we offer include:

  • Consolidated Monthly Billing - Instead of emailing you separate invoices for each order, we can send you one consolidated invoice per month with a spreadsheet that shows all of the order details
  • Custom fields on our website to capture required billing information such as cost center code, department, end user names, and more - these are automatically referenced on your invoice / billing statement
  • Level 2 and 3 reporting for detailed credit card statements
  • E-Procurement - Ariba PunchOut, Perfect Commerce, Pantellos, Oracle, SAP, and more

Please reach out to us at if you would like to discuss strategies for lowering your billing costs.   With 15 years of experience working with corporate AP Departments, we hope our expertise will make us a more valuable business partner for your organization.