Wacky Wireless News: The Taze Case

Posted on Mar 26th 2014

There’s an app or an accessory for just about everything you can imagine these days – you can track your exercise and sleep patterns, record songs, play Flappy Bird, and share selfies with the world. But what about self defense? What if you need to quickly neutralize a threat and take someone down? Problem solved. You can now incorporate a stun gun into your iPhone for these unfortunate scenarios.

The Yellow Jacket is a hefty case that has a dark secret: “Concealed inside Yellow Jacket is a loud, bright high voltage stun gun that produces a painful ‘sting.’” The case also features “sharp electrodes that penetrate clothing for maximum effect.” A reporter for The Verge did us all a favor and tazed himself with both the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 versions. "The first-generation Yellow Jacket felt like a bee sting, painful but not debilitating," he wrote. "The second generation felt far stronger and caused the muscles in my arm to spasm."

If this isn’t powerful enough for you, the Yellow Jacket also houses a rechargeable battery that will double the life of your phone!