Wacky Wireless News: The Smart Sock

Posted on May 22nd 2014

Wearable technology has officially jumped the shark. But in true obsessive tech fashion, you can track that jump for calories burned, speed, altitude, distance and foot landing technique. A company called Sensoria has finally released what we've always wanted: a Smart Sock. 

If you’re a runner or looking to get into running, this product can be a great tool when it comes to improving performance and reducing the risk of injury. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to maintain a high energy level throughout the work day. For employees who are always their feet, the last thing you need is a running injury.

The Sensoria Smart Sock costs $149 for one pair of smart socks, one electronic anklet, one anklet charger and a dedicated mobile application. There’s also a $199 option that includes three extra pairs of smart socks. At this price range, it’s comparable to three or four sessions with a running coach.